For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the past 35 years Be The Match ® , operated by the National Marrow Donor Program ® (NMDP), has managed the most diverse marrow registry in the world. We work every day to save lives through transplant.
Answer simple questions about your medical history to make sure you meet health guidelines.
Receive a free cheek swab kit by mail in about 3-7 business days.
Your sample will be tested, and your genetic type will be added to the Be The Match Registry.
Because of the genetic complexity of matching donors to patients, it could be several months or many years before you’re matched to a patient.
Patients and their families are counting on you to keep your promise to donate if needed. You could be someone’s only hope for a cure.
Given the current makeup of the Be The Match Registry®, the likelihood of finding a match for a patient in need of a transplant ranges from 29-79% depending on patient ethnic background. Because genetic traits used to determine a match are inherited, patients are most likely to match donors who share the same ethnic background. Improving the ethnic diversity of the registry improves all patients’ odds of finding a life-saving match, regardless of their ethnic background. Adding more potential donors and cord blood units to increase the ethnic diversity of the registry remains an important focus for Be The Match®.